
Unpack, or box up, declutter and see; an organized home supports living stress-free. 

We’ll help put in order, we’ll help you create – a planned approach balance to the chaos you hate!

What to Expect when we Organize your Home

We want you to get on top of your clutter and here is what we can do for you!


When everything is in its place and things stay right where you left them, well then we’ve done our job! Organization Packages range from consult & planograms to onsite work with you to help re-shape, purge and sort out the chaos. Here’s some examples of what we can do together inside any room or space in your home:


✓ Help Preparation to Purge, Donate, Throw Away, Sell
✓ Suggestions to Streamline for Efficiency and Time Management
✓ Space Planning and Design/Container Solutions (Client Provides Products)
✓ Item Placement for Better Efficiency
✓ Set Up Zones for Quick Access, Sort and Arrange Space


Move In / Move Out Services

Our Move In/Move Out support will take a load off your back – literally!

No one loves packing up their things but with the help from our experts, we can organize and sort your items, while labelling and putting some moving order into your upcoming Big Day.

Perhaps that may even mean meeting you when you finally turn the keys into your new abode?

Trust us to put away all your items in a functional manner with you by our side as we breeze through the re-allocating and putting away of all your transferred items so that you can get to enjoying your new home and find everything right where you need it!

Universal Upkeep

Our senior and disabilities customized care service involves and allows for a broader scope when it comes to the “upkeep” needs of every individual home.  This tailored to each client universal approach will assess the most immediate needs and  can include light shopping, taxi, general cleaning and maintenance, on top of our regular offerings while we make sure to also provide our S.O.S savings for all those who qualify.


In Order

When Everything’s In Order and in its place, then things will stay right where you left them – imagine that!?!

Organization Packages range from consult & planograms to onsite work with you to help re-shape, purge and sort out the chaos.

Special Care for Adults with Disabilities and Seniors

Sometimes daily living becomes too much and disorganization begins to clutter your property and even your day to day functioning. It can be a challenging task to find somewhere to begin when it all piles up around you and your hygiene and sanitization is impacted.

Getting to errands and being able to manage personal needs can use S.O.S assistance and that is where our team can provide a weekly service to ensure all your boxes get ticked!

Whether thats a helpful ride and shop to the grocery store or pharmacy, perhaps getting the laundry and bedding done or a thorough once over the entire home. As well as the companionship our trained and compassionate team can provide, we also make sure to customize each individuals special care needs and also, we do it for a fraction of the cost.

You see, we aren’t in the business of robbing people of their benefits but we do understand the constraints of making those work in an economy that’s amidst inflation across every industry. So while we can’t cut the price of the outside world, let us assist the needs of the world inside with much more, for much less and perhaps make everything else go a little bit smoother along the way.